We are your Membership Service Agency for among others Craftsmen, Building Service Provider, Construction Companies, Technical Building Outfitters, Developer, Planners, Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Experts...
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Great Thanks and a Happy Holiday Season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!
We are now starting and operating in more than 65 Countries.
Where is your Region and your Market?
Let us know. Be a Member!
We offer our Members the option to be a Member in our Start-up Network and using both, the brand Groundfloor24 and the own name (company name, business name, personal name or brand).
These enables businesses to build or enhance their brand by partnering with another respected business. Two brands coming together establishes credibility because each company is able to highlight and reflect each other’s assets and thus strengthen their position in a given market.
The Fee for Members is a fixed monthly amount depends on the choosen subscription time.
Grow in Member – Business Support, Networking and Advertising Support.
You are Welcome! Send us the Region you are interested in. Start now!
We know everybody would like to go forward with their own aims and with an individual responsibility. We support this path with our global brand and with our framework as well as with no restrictions in your market.